University of Technology (UOT) Professors from Iraq Explore SUT

A delegation of six professors from the University of Technology (UOT) in Iraq recently embarked on a two-day tour of Sharif University of Technology (SUT). During their visit, they immersed themselves in the dynamic technological and innovative atmosphere, gaining familiarity with the technological advancements within SUT.

The delegation's journey began with an insightful visit to the Sharif Technology Services Complex, where they obtained detailed information about the entrepreneurship, technology, and innovation ecosystem at SUT. They then proceeded to the Central Lab within the complex, closely examining the laboratory equipment. Additionally, they explored various technology offices and centers within the complex.

Their scientific exploration continued at the Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, as well as the labs and technological workshops within the School of Mechanical Engineering at SUT. These visits provided them with valuable insights into the latest developments in these fields.

On the second day of their tour, the Iraqi delegation visited prominent locations such as the Sharif Innovation District, Sharif Technology Tower, Bontech Tower, and Biotech Innovation Factory. They had the opportunity to engage with knowledge-based companies and witness the innovative work being carried out within these technology towers.

This visit not only deepened the UOT professors' understanding of SUT's technological capabilities and innovative spirit but also opened doors for potential collaborations and knowledge-sharing between the two institutions.