Undergraduate | Physics

Basic Information:
Program Type: Degree Based
Level Of study: Undergraduate
School / Faculty: SUT (Tehran)-Faculty of Science
Department: Physics
Major (Name Of Program): Physics
This program contact information:
Telephone: +982166164780 (ext. 3)
Email Address: ia_st@sharif.edu
Address: Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran
Contact Person Name: Alireza Kazemi (Mr.)
Program Detail:
Length of Training: 4 years (8 semesters)
Language Requirement: Persian (short-term training program available at Dehkhoda International Center for Persian Studies), no official degree is required
Admission Requirement: Having a minimum GPA of 3.2/4 (or its equivalent in percentage) or being ranked among the top students of the class at a top-ranking domestic institution.
Tuition Fees: ~2600 Euro per semester (competitive scholarships (50% to 100%) , based on the academic records, are available)
Application Deadline: Fall Semester: June 10/Spring Semester: November 10
Application Website http://iso.sharif.edu (press ‘Apply Now’ Button in the upper menu, create an account and fill out the application form)
Documents to prepare before applying: Passport, Biometric Photo, Resume (CV), Statement of Purpose (SOP), Funding Information (Bank Statement or Scholarship Letter), Letter(s) of Recommendation (optional), Transcript of Records, Certification of Graduation, Language Proficiency Information (Persian, English)
Brochure: download
Official Website: