St. Petersburg University Delegation at Sharif University of Technology

On Monday 24 May 1403, a group of representatives from St. Petersburg University of Russia visited Sharif University of Technology and got to know the educational, scientific and research environment of the university.

At first, the Russian guests took a tour of the offices and centers located in the university's Technology Service Complex, as well as the Central Laboratory, and got to know the activities of these centers closely. Then, they visited the research activities in the field of solar panels by visiting the Department of Physics. Then, the Russian team visited facilities, equipment and research capacities in the Nano Research Institute, as well as the Department of Materials Engineering and Advanced Materials and Nano Laboratory.

After the tour of the university, the Russian delegation met and talked with Dr. Mousavi and a group of vice presidents and managers of the university. In this meeting, the cooperation between Sharif University of Technology and Russian universities, including; Saint Petersburg University and Tomsk Polytechnic University was discussed. They also exchanged opinions on holding joint courses, student and professor exchanges and publishing joint articles.