Publication of SUT scientists’ achievement for COVID-19 diagnosis in two prestigious ISC journals


SUT researchers’ achievement “smart system for COVID-19 diagnosis” has been published in two prestigious Islam World’s websites COMSTECH and ISLAMIC WORLD ACADEMY OF SCIENCES

SUT research team, supervised by Dr. Rabiee, Professor of Artificial Intelligence, with the cooperation of Dr. Ghanaati, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at University of Isfahan, research team of Tehran, Iran, Isfahan, and Kerman Universities of Medical Sciences, Tehran and Baqiytallah Hospital Radiology Center, succeeded to develop the smart system as an assistant for Radiologists which boosts the accuracy and pace of COVID-19 diagnosis through analysis of CT results.  With the help of the innovation in pre-analysis of the CT and deep learning algorithm, the pneumonic system of COVID-19 diagnosis can detect anomalies that are invisible in the CT results in the early stages of infection, and determine the volume of the infected area accurately in a short time.

Recently, this achievement has been published in two prestigious academic Islam world websites, namely, Comstech and Islamic World Aacademy of Sciences.

It is important to note that Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (COMSTECH) has been developed to increase scientific cooperation and promote the level of scientific communication of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) members. This committee aims at the development of complementary training, investment in the research, giving special attention to information technology, exchange of information between Islamic countries, and the prevention of brain drain.

SUT congratulates this team on their achievement and wish them success in their academic journey!