President’s Message to Sharif Community on the New Academic Year


On behalf of Sharif University of Technology, it is my privilege to welcome the newest members of Sharif community as well as to welcome back our returning students, faculty and staff.

Our motto –“Transforming the National Talents to the Global Bests” – goes to the heart of our philosophy. We believe that your intelligence and hard work has placed you here and it is now our mission to transform this initiative into the best possible outcome for you.

Last year, we witnessed many outstanding achievements by Sharif community in research and education, at national and international levels. These included the impressive successes of our students at national and international competitions as well as improved position in accredited international university ranking systems. We together took important steps to boost the social impact of the university, the most important of which was the ratification and the implementation of “Sharif Innovation Area”.

Our primary goal at Sharif is to shape the students you are now into professionals you will be tomorrow. Professionals who strive to contribute to bettering the world through technical expertise, scientific research, and compassionate care. We will support you every step of the way and all of us at Sharif are privileged and eager to be your partners on this journey.


To this end, our educational, research, and service endeavor to work with you to achieve your best, to grow, and be supported as part of our close knit community. Welcome!