Indonesian Ambassador Visits SUT, Explores Potential Collaborations

Mr. Ronny Prasetyo Yuliantoro, the esteemed ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia, recently visited Sharif University of Technology (SUT), immersing himself in the university's technological and innovative environment. During this engaging session, Dr. Jalili, the President of SUT, Dr. Masihi, the Director of International Affairs, and several faculty members gathered to discuss various topics.

One prominent discussion revolved around the collaboration between SUT and Indonesia, mainly focusing on the successful implementation of Sina Robotic Surgery in Indonesia. Dr. Farahmand, a faculty member from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at SUT, shed light on the technical aspects of this collaboration. Both sides further explored opportunities for reciprocal scientific cooperation, including the potential participation in the upcoming International Conference on Energy, Resiliency, and Sustainability (ICERS2024).

To conclude the visit, the Indonesian delegation had the opportunity to explore the Sharif Technology Services Complex and visit some of the complex's technological manufacturers. They also visited the prestigious Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology at SUT, further deepening their understanding of the cutting-edge research conducted at SUT.